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How to sweeten kisses

4 min read
How to sweeten kisses

Kissing is the best way to convey love between lovers and enjoy intimacy, and sweet kisses can make ordinary lip contact more beautiful! Whether you want to create an unforgettable first kiss or a more interesting kissing experience, just follow the tips below to get the sweetest and freshest kiss.

Method 1: eat mints

Use mints to sweeten your kisses quickly. Mint can not only improve the breath, but also has a lot of flavor, which can make your kiss sweet. Like chewing gum, mint can also stimulate saliva production.
Peppermint has the original flavor, spearmint flavor, and even cinnamon flavor.

Method 2: eat hard candy

Hard candies can significantly increase the sweetness of oral saliva. After eating the candy, your taste buds and brain will record the sweetness of the candy, and some of the sweetness may continue into your kiss. Try various and interesting candies and find the one that you and your loved one like best.
Try lollipops or hard candies (fruit candies, butterscotch, mints, etc.).
Chocolate may stain your mouth, but if you and your love both like the taste, you might as well give it a try.

Method 3: chew sugar-free gum

This method of refreshing breath has been tried and tested, and it is recommended to stick to it. There are many flavors of chewing gum that can make your kiss sweet. At the same time, chewing gum can effectively stimulate saliva secretion and remove bacteria in the mouth.
Choosing sugar-free gum can prevent tooth decay.

Method 4: apply a flavorful lip balm

Peppermint lip balm can give the kiss a hint of cooling sensation. When kissing, the menthol in the lip balm triggers cold receptors and makes the lips feel slightly irritated, making kissing more interesting.
Some people have adverse reactions to menthol on their skin, so if your lips are very sensitive, don’t use this lip balm.
There are other flavors of lip balm on the market.

Method 5: eat some fruit before kissing

This method uses the natural sweetness of fruits. Eating fruit can activate the sweet receptors in the mouth, because the sense of taste has been prepared, so when you kiss, you will feel sweeter in your mouth. If you want your partner to taste sweet kisses, give him some fruits in advance.
Strawberries, oranges, cantaloupes, etc. are all good choices.
Plaque accumulated on the teeth can cause bad breath, and crispy fruits such as apples can scrape off the plaque, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.
If you want to create more romantic elements, feed the fruit to your lover’s mouth.

Method 6: chew cinnamon

Enjoy the upgraded feeling that cinnamon brings to kissing. Chewing cinnamon will not only fill your mouth with the scent of cinnamon, but also refresh your breath, because cinnamon contains essential oils that can kill bacteria.

Method 7: chew fresh herbs

Get a mint-flavored kiss by chewing vanilla. Herbs such as mint and parsley will not only make your kiss taste sweeter, but also cover up bad breath. The chlorophyll in parsley helps to counteract the sulphur smell, while the mint has the effect of refreshing breath.
On a date, you can order a drink with mint leaves.

Method 8: Sip a sweet drink

Like sweet food, sweet drinks can also transfer the flavor to your kiss. If you are tired of eating mints, candies, or fruits, try mixing various ingredients and make yourself a sweet drink.
You can drink juice, soda, hot chocolate, milkshakes, etc.
You can mix fruit smoothies and enjoy two delicacies at the same time!
Sweet wines like cocktails will also make your kiss sweet, but in the long run, alcohol can cause dry mouth and bad breath.

Method 9: drink green tea

Green tea can refresh the breath. Studies have shown that the compounds in green tea can remove bacteria and inhibit their growth. Green tea is also an easy-to-obtain natural drink.

Method 10: gargle with mouthwash

Mouthwash can make your breath exceptionally fresh. If you want to make your breath fresher before kissing, choose a mouthwash. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle when using it.
Use non-alcoholic mouthwash to avoid dry mouth.

Method 11: brush your teeth often

Maintaining good oral cleaning habits can improve your oral condition. In the long run, brushing your teeth will bring better and fresher breath, so it is recommended to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day.
Don’t forget to brush your tongue! This will help remove odors.
You should also floss daily to remove plaque and food debris that can cause bad breath.


Find your partner’s favorite sweetness and don’t be afraid to try different flavors! Whether it is fruity, mint, or countless other flavors, you can try it.
Avoid eating foods with strong odors or tastes, such as fish, garlic, and peppers before kissing.
Although sugary foods and beverages can sweeten your kiss, in the long run, regular intake of excessive sugar can cause and aggravate bad breath, so sugar intake must be moderate.

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